Leading You Beyond Your Potential

Be Prepared

A life worth living will often be full of risk that lead to rewards, obstacles to overcome before maximizing opportunities, and struggles that you must find solutions for before achieving the greatest success. This is the circle of life. Since this is in fact the case, I propose that we be prepared for it. An author once wrote, “… in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Cor 2:11) I’m not sure what type of Satan you have in life, but I am confident that you should not be unaware of his schemes. It is always that great sports teams have studied their opponents game film before competing. Well, shouldn’t we do the same? Shouldn’t we take note of the methods, characteristics, greatest moves, trick plays, personnel, and main objectives of our opponents? Knowing is half of the battle (G.I. Joe Shout out!) That opponent could be a person, competing business, weather condition, economic shift, building code, policy, or even our own pessimistic persona popping its head up from time to time. Once you recognize the challenge, you must not be afraid, just call it what it is…then conqueror it.

It is often the case that we are caught off guard by the challenges of life, or the adversarial winds of a project, or weak pillars in relationship building. When you prepare for what is ahead it does not mean the challenge won’t come. It simply implies that when it arrives you are cable of handling it.

Life is coming. Hardships are right around the corner. Plan “A” may have a small leak in it and Plan “B” may not work. Are you prepared for challenges ahead of you, or have you peered into your future with new lens of naivety that only see perfection and ignore the pain that produces positive progress. In the words of one famous preacher…”Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!” Your future is wide open and awaiting your arrival.

Comments on: "Be Prepared" (1)

  1. kim lee said:

    Women’s conferenced tied right in with this. Go! Go! Stop sitting at the spiritual red light, get ready to Go! God has so many blessing Get ready to GO! .

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